American Heart Association Certification Cards
Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Provider Course Completion Card valid for two years
Taking CPR training just once in your life is not enough. Every two years, your CPR certification expires and recertification is needed. This is because CPR is not something that we use in our everyday lives so it can easily be forgotten. Like anything in life, if you don’t use it, you often lose it. CPR techniques are no different and your certification should be renewed as recommended by the American Heart Association
Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Course Completion Card valid for two years
The Heartsaver AED Course Completion Card offers Adult/Child CPR with Mask and Choking, Adult/Child AED, and Infant CPR with Mask and Choking course options. The Heartsaver AED card may be used for a single course or all options listed on the card. The self-mailer format card has an adhesive address label positioned so that the card can be inserted into a number 10 window envelope; the label can also be removed and placed on the outside of a regular envelope if preferred. There are two cards per sheet, separated by perforation, on single-fed sheets of paper; printing is required on only one side. The card front continues to have the recognizable AHA look and uses the same template as the previous card. Course-completed bubbles need to be filled in for each course module not taken. Security features have been added, including micro-printing, shading, folding format, and a laminated side of the card that does not allow for alterations.